"Stomping Out Stigma"

The Turning Point Center of Rutland will be hosting our first annual "Stomping Out Stigma" Walk for Recovery with musical performance by Ben Fuller. To celebrate National Recovery Month 2019, we will be setting up at the Main Street Park on September 21,2019. Vermont Attorney General, T.J. Donovan, will be kicking off the event for us at 1 p.m. The event will go until 3 p.m. and is free of charge and child friendly. There will be organizations from our community set up to pass out information on different resources available. We will have food and beverages as well as activities for children.
The afternoon will begin with an introduction by T.J. Donovan and Turning Point as we prepare to walk down West St. across Wales St. and back up Center St. to the gazebo area of the Main St Park where Ben Fuller will be performing live.
This event is for everyone in our community who has been affected in any way by the opioid crisis and those who are supportive of recovery. The Turning Point Center hopes to create a culture of awareness concerning substance use and recovery, bringing each member of Rutland County assurance that they are not alone. We are here to help!
We want to celebrate recovery in the light, be proud of who you are and what you've accomplished!! If you would like to help us with this event, if your organization wants to take part in this event or if you need more information please contact Tonya at the Turning Point (802)773-6010 or rutlandturningpoint@gmail.com
We will be posting reminders and more info here and on our Facebook page in the weeks to come.
Thank you to everyone who has helped with this so far, we greatly appreciate the support!